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Holmes-Rahe Life Stress
Check each of these life events that has happened in the previous year.
Privacy is respected, no data is stored or shared. For personal use only
Death of a spouse
Marital Separation from mate
Detention in jail or other institution
Death of a close family member
Major personal injury or illness
Being fired at work
Martial reconciliation with mate
Retirement from work
Major change in the health or behavior of a family member
Sexual Difficulties
Gaining a new family member (birth, adoption, adult moving in)
Major business readjustment
Major change in financial state (better or worse)
Death of a close friend
Changing to a different line of work
Major change in the number of arguments w/spouse (more or less than usual regardingchild rearng,persona habits, etc)
Taking on a mortgage (home or busines)
Foreclosure on a mortgage or loan
Major change in responsiblities to work (promotion, demotion)
Son or daughter leaving home
In-law trouble
Outstanding personal achievement
Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the home
Beginning or ceasing formal schooling
Major chnge in living conditon (new home, remodeling, deterioration of neighborhood or home etc)
Revision of personal habits (dress manners, associations, quit smoking)
Trouble with the boss
Major chang in working hours or conditions
Change in residence
Changing to a new school
Major changes in usual types and/or amount of recreation
Major change in church activity (ie a lot more or less than usual)
Major change in social activities (clubs, movies, visting, etc)
Taking on a loan (car, tv, freezer, etc)
Major change in sleeping habits (a lot more or less)
Major change in number of family get-togethers
Major change in eating habits (a lot more or less food intake, or very diferent meal hours)
Major holidays
Minor violations of the law (traffic tickts, jaywalking, etc)
Your Life Stress Inventory assessment will be emailed to you!
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