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2024 RESET

  • 2 Steps


The holidays are over. You had a great time. Friends, family and SO MUCH FOOD. It's a new year, new start and you're ready to hit the RESET button. Join us for a 6 week RESET program where we will walk with you every step of the way and make it easy to start the new year off healthy. It's time to focus on you! Included: -Recipes -Menus -Tips + Tricks -Grocery Lists -Weekly Q+A live (will be recorded) -Journals -Short workshops each week -Labs at the end** (OPTIONAL) Sign up early and get sneak peeks at content and material! Grab a girlfriend and make a plan to hit the ground running JANUARY 1, 2024 with the a healthy you! **Labs are not included in the cost of the program and open to US residents only (not RI, NJ, or NY), must be 18 or older.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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