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Great Expectations: The 4th Trimester

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Are you expecting a baby? Congrats, it's an exciting time! We are so glad you're here. You're in the right place if you are currently pregnant or in early post-partum. Whether you're pregnant with your first hoping to equip yourself for an easy transition, desiring a more positive experience this (2nd+) time around or you are currently early in your post and struggling we are here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to have the best 4th trimester. Oh, has 4th trimester not even registered for you? 🧐We totally hear you! It didn’t for us!! As expecting moms we were purely focused on pregnancy and labour! No one offered us any information on what hormonal changes to expect, what symptoms are normal and what would be considered red flags and most importantly…what we could do about it. Yes, there are things you can do BEFORE delivery! We suffered from mood issues, extreme fatigue, nursing struggles, bad eczema and more! We heard all the typical answers: “that’s common” or “it’s just your hormones, it will get better”. The program covers: 👉🏽 what’s happening in the body/hormones postpartum and what you can do about it 👉🏽 what no one tells you about nutrition for healing 👉🏽 what to eat for breastfeeding 👉🏽 what should and shouldn’t be in your postpartum pantry 👉🏽 how to support your mood and mind (ie. less brain fog) 👉🏽 how to eat for more energy while juggling everything else STARTS JAN 2024--12 weeks

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